Rex Tillerson

The United States is prepared to work with Russia on establishing ‘no-fly zones’ in Syria as part of a joint effort to stabilize the war-ravaged country, the US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson revealed Wednesday.

Tillerson said in a statement “the United States is prepared to explore the possibility of establishing with Russia joint mechanisms for ensuring stability, including no-fly zones, on the ground ceasefire observers, and coordinated delivery of humanitarian assistance.”

Tillerson issued his statement before joining Trump in Europe, where the US leader will meet Putin for the first time on Friday on the sidelines of a G20 summit in Hamburg, Germany. Syria will loom large in their discussions.

The Secretary of State said Russia had a “special responsibility” to help create stability on the ground or risk hobbling the fight against the Daesh terrorist group.

At the same time, the Secretary of State urged forces of the Syrian government and the US-led Coalition against the Daesh terror group (banned in Russia) to accept agreed de-escalation boundaries to avoid conflict, the State Department said in a statement.

” Daesh has been badly wounded, and could be on the brink of complete defeat in Syria if all parties focus on this objective,”he said, adding “in order to complete the mission, the international community, and especially Russia, must remove obstacles to the defeat of Daesh.”

“We call upon all parties, including the Syrian government and its allies, Syrian opposition forces, and coalition forces carrying out the battle to defeat Daesh, to avoid conflict with one another and adhere to agreed geographical boundaries for military de-confliction and protocols for de-escalation,” the statement said on Wednesday.

Tillerson concluded that Russia had an obligation to prevent the use of chemical weapons by Assad’s government.

Source: Fana News