An American congresswoman visiting Jerusalem said Egypt would lose $2 billion in U.S. aid if it backed out of its 1979 peace treaty with Israel. Rep. Kay Granger, R-Texas, also said the United States would suspend about $500 million in aid to the Palestinian Authority if it goes ahead with its statehood bid at the United Nations. Granger is visiting Israel with a delegation of 25 Republican members of Congress. The trip is sponsored by the American Israel Educational Foundation. \"The United States aid to Egypt is predicated on the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, and so the relationship between Egypt and Israel is extremely important,\" Granger, chairwoman of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on State-Foreign Operations, said in an exclusive interview with the Jerusalem Post Monday. \"As an appropriator, I have two concerns. One thing is the continuing relationship between Egypt and Israel and the other thing, of course, is what government we will be dealing with in Egypt and what position the Muslim Brotherhood will play in this government,\" she said. Egypt receives $2 billion in economic aid annually from the United States, plus $1.3 billion in military assistance, the Post said. The congressional delegation is scheduled to meet Wednesday with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas. If the P.A. proceeds with its statehood bid, the United States will suspend aid, including money for security training, Granger said. The delegation will tell Abbas there is a strong bipartisan desire in Congress to see a return to peace talks with Israel \"in a very serious way,\" Granger said.