Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani

HE Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani affirmed the appreciation of the United States for the role of Qatar in combating terrorism.
In a statement to Al Jazeera channel on the sidelines of his visit to Washington, HE the Foreign Minister said there is close cooperation between the US administration and the competent authorities in the State of Qatar to combat the financing of terrorism.
Responding to a question on the role of the State of Qatar in combating terrorism, His Excellency said that the strategic partnership between the State of Qatar and the United States is multifaceted, including the fight against terrorism. There is cooperation between Qatar and the United States in the fight against terrorism, especially since Qatar is part of the international coalition to combat ISIS group, he added, pointing to the priority attached by the State of Qatar to the fight against terrorism and its financing.
HE Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani stressed on the close cooperation between the State of Qatar and the United States on regional issues, "especially as we are undergoing a significant stage in the Syrian issue after the final results of the Astana consultations." He stressed that steps must be taken after the chemical attack by the Syrian regime and the American reaction.  "We are now counting on a new policy of the countries supporting the Syrian people in the Syrian issue," HE the Foreign Minister said.
On his visit to Washington, His Excellency said there have been consultations with the US Secretary of State and with the National Security Advisor on the Syrian issue and the proposals to move forward in resolving it, stressing the importance of a political solution to end the crisis.
As for the Astana agreement, he said the agreement is a good one in terms of finding areas to reduce tension, but it must be clear that it is a step towards reaching a solution, and not the solution, and it should not be taken as a pretext for delaying the settlement of the crisis and delaying the political transition, stressing that there must be a clear message that the political transition is based on the Geneva 1 Communique, which ends with the departure of Bashar al-Assad and his regime, and the creation of a transitional authority.
Otherwise, considering the safe areas as a compromise and postponing the aforesaid to a future stage will be an abuse of such an agreement, HE Foreign Minister said.

Source: QNA