Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Bowardi, UAE Minister of State for Defence Affairs

Mohammed bin Ahmed Al Bowardi, UAE Minister of State for Defence Affairs, met Raul Belens Jungmann Pinto, Minister of Defence of Brazil, here on Thursday, to discuss ways of promoting and enhancing bilateral relations and cooperation in the military and defence spheres between the two countries.
The duo also discussed regional and international issues of shared concern, regional developments and the efforts of the international community in combating terrorism and strengthening peace.
Al Bowardi emphasised that ties between the UAE and Brazil are strong. He further noted that he looks forward to enhancing these ties.
Pinto welcomed Al Bowardi's visit and hailed the level of relations between the two countries.
Hafsa Abdullah Al Ulama, UAE Ambassador to Brazil, and a number of high-ranking officers and officials from the Brazilian Ministry of Defence and the General Command attended the meeting.

Source: WAM