President Donald Trump

A U.S. official said in a statement that the American President’s administration seeks to strengthen ties between Israel and the Arab countries in the Middle East.

The administration is hoping to create a “common set of principles” which should be followed in order to spark new life in the Middle East peace process which has seen a stalemate in the latest years.

The official said that “the first step (in the new initiative) there is to bring relationships that are warm and strong privately and bring them more in public and also set forth a common set of principles that everyone wants to abide by,” and added that “hopefully the more we can build trust the more we can have open dialogues around these things in a way that has not happened before … I think that gives us a better chance of having success in this issue.”

Any specific details about what these common principles could involve was left out but the official said that private talks between various representatives was a clear wish for the President’s administration and mentioned that he didn’t expect to reach a peace agreement tomorrow between Israel and the Palestinian people seeing is such an agreement had been impossible to reach for several decades.

According to the official the main goal for Trump’s visit to Israel and the West Bank was to listen and learn about the positions and different sides of the story.

Source: PNN