Tanzanian President John Magufuli

Tanzania's ruling party, Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM), begins its one week extraordinary meetings aimed at making major changes in its constitution and some of its standing regulations.

The series of meetings in the political capital Dodoma will climax on Sunday when the party convenes its extraordinary general congress, which is mandated to approve the changes.

Among the changes announced by CCM Chairman and Tanzanian President John Magufuli last year included not allowing a party member to hold more than one leadership post, be it within the party or outside.

This has already forced some changes within the party with some top leaders announcing their decision not to contest for leadership posts which they were holding now.

There are a number of CCM leaders who are currently holding two leadership positions either in the party or within the party and in the government.

The changes would force party wings to also amend their constitutions in order to align with the CCM constitution.

Under the proposed changes, the number of members of the party's National Executive Committee (NEC) will be reduced from 388 to 158.

Also the number of members to the party's Central Committee (CC) has also been trimmed from 34 to 24.

Apart from those who will become CC members by virtue of their positions, there will be only six CC members to be elected by NEC, three from Mainland Tanzania and three from Zanzibar.

Earlier, CC comprised of not more than 14 members elected by NEC as well as not more than five members appointed by the national chairman.

The changes also seek to reduce the number of party official meetings.

Under the new arrangements, NEC will now meet after six months as opposed to four months under the current regime.

The extraordinary general congress is also expected to prepare and release a time table for the party elections to be conducted later this year.

Source: Xinhua