S. Leader: Qods day backing for country’s security, guardian of revolution’s achievements

Hundreds of university professors and faculty members participated in Supreme Leader’s 4th meeting and exchange of opinions on academic, scientific, social, cultural, political and economic fields during this fasting month of Ramadan, Wednesday evening. According to the IRNA Wednesday Night News Team, the internet website of the Supreme Leader’s Office reported Wednesday night that during the course of the past couple of weeks, too, a group of poets, another group of literary figures, and a group of economic experts have had separate similar meetings with Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khameneie. At the beginning of the Wednesday meeting that took over two hours, 14 faculty members of the country’s different universities presented their proposals, their criticisms, and their solutions in the presence of the Supreme Leader. Ayatollah Khameneie after listening carefully to the comments of the academic folks gave a lecture for them, which contains important points. The leader referred to the proximity of the International Holy Qods Day, arguing, “The Qods Day is a great and important international Islamic day and the Iranian nation, as well as the other Muslim nations, in it shout the righteous words that the global oppression had tried to keep silence about it for at least sixty years.” His eminence emphasized, “The establishment of the Islamic Republic of Iran as a political system, announcing the Qods Day and turning the Zionist regime’ Embassy in Tehran into the Embassy of Palestine was an aggressive move against sixty years of colonialist plots aimed at the annihilation of Palestine from the world map.” The Leader of the Islamic Revolution stressed, “The Qods Day is the backing for the country’s security and any Iranian who comes to the streets on Qods Day in fact contributed to boosting the security of his own country and to safeguarding the achievements of the revolution.” Ayatollah Khameneie added, “By grace of God this year, too, the Qods Day would be held more gloriously than ever before in this country and in the Islamic countries.” Ayatollah Khameneie meanwhile referred to the scientific achievements in Iran as one of the major pillars of the Iranian nation’s glorious resistance, and grandeur in confrontation with the global oppression front, emphasizing, “These scientific achievements grant self confidence, prestige, will power, and bravery for resistance to the great Iranian nation, who is indebted to the universities and to the academicians.’ The Leader of the Revolution referred to the continuous military, security, social, and political threats posed by the enemies, assassination of the country’s scientists imposing of sanctions, and the hegemonic powers efforts aimed at crisis creation inside the country to urge the Islamic system to bow before the global oppression system. His eminence added, “The Iranian nation is all the same resisting quite resolutely and relying on the country’s scientific and practical advancements, has strongly said ‘No!’ to the hegemony of the global expansionists and hegemonic powers.” The ayatollah considered the universities as the source for the country’s scientific advancements and the prestige of the Iranian nation, emphasizing, “The enemy will beyond doubt never been ignoring, not would ever in the future ignore those important sources of boosting Iran’s power.” The Leader of the Islamic Revolution considered the anti-religion and the anti-science tendencies as two major objectives of the hegemonic powers front, elaborating on the anti-science methods as, “The assassination of Iranian scientists is one of those methods, but the enemy’s main and complicated method is keeping the professors and the students busy with non-scientific activities, so that the Iranian nation’s dream, that is achieving scientific blossoming would not come true.” Ayatollah Khameneie said that the ceaseless efforts aimed at filling the country’s scientific gap with the caravan of the mankind’s scientific progress is quite a dire necessity, emphasizing, “We must blow a new soul in the body of the country’s scientific movement, taking full advantage of the entire potentials of our universities, and all the university professors and students must step into the scene and contribute to the country’s fate making taking of great scientific leaps forward.” His eminence said that the country’s comprehensive scientific map has made clear the path, adding, “By emphasizing on useful sciences, we need to create a balance between the country’s needs in various fields and the scientific activities throughout the country.” He said that the culture of initiation must be expanded among the population of millions of professors and students and in order to implement the country comprehensive scientific roadmap the universities must practically participate in problem solving in the country, and not merely ceremonially. His eminence said that the cycle from the scientific idea to production is very important, adding, “The government and the universities must have mutual cooperation in formation of ideas in the minds of the elites, turning it into the scientific language, and then into a technology that would eventually be delivered to the industries for production.” Ayatollah Khameneie than focused on the enemies’ anti-scientific plots against the universities, reiterating, “The Iranian nation wants true wellbeing and true security and reaching those ends is of utmost importance and unachievable despite scientific endeavor, which is why or society and atop it our academic society, must be pious in true sense of the word.” Ayatollah Khameneie said that the university students are the thought and science leaders of the country, reiterating, “The hegemonic powers intend to lead our academic society towards atheism, nonchalance, hedonism, and vulgar thinking, and it is a public responsibility and particularly the duty of the university professors to counter that ominous plot.” The leader said that our young and pious scientists are dead-end breakers, reiterating, “They have shone well and brightly in such fields as defense industries, stem cells, nuclear energy, aerospace engineering, super computers, and many other hi-tech fields, forwarding the country’s scientific works along with the other scientists.” Ayatollah Khameneie also expressed delight for the opportunity to meet the academic folks and appreciated their bright and constructive proposals presented at the meeting, which he said is the sign of initiation and innovation among the country’s elite academic folks.