Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa

 His Royal Highness Prime Minister Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al Khalifa has expressed confidence that the Bahrain-US cooperation will make a major leap in the coming period, and that the two countries’ visions towards issues of the region will me more harmonious.
This came as HRH the Prime Minister received at the Gudaibiya Palace today a delegation from the US House of Representatives, led by the Chairman of the Rules Committee, Peter Sessions.

HRH Premier lauded the positive atmosphere created by the recent Riyadh Summits regarding the common GCC, Arab, Islamic and American understanding of the nature of the challenges facing the region because of terrorism, extremism and their causes,

The Prime Minister stressed that the Arab-Islamic-American Summit has been the best of its kind to be held in the Middle East region as it gave hope for achieving security and stability in the region.

HRH the Prime Minister lauded the solid long-standing Bahraini-US relations, affirming keenness to bolster bilateral cooperation and coordination at all levels, especially economy and investment. He highlighted the importance of increasing communication between the two countries to deepen joint relations and enrich bilateral cooperation to achieve common interests.

HRH Premier discussed with the US delegations ways to enhance security, military and trade cooperation, especially amid the US new policy and openness towards a comprehensive cooperation with countries of the region, stressing the importance of meetings between officials in developing a joint understanding of the nature of the global challenges in order to overcome them.

Meetings between officials from the two countries will also stimulate initiatives aiming to develop economic and trade bonds between the two countries, he added.

Head of the US delegation said that HRH Premier is a wise statesman and an example that should be emulated.

He stressed that the Prime Minister’s visions on the region’s future and the challenges facing it stem from his experience and wisdom, and should be used as guidelines for those seeking to strengthen the unity and cohesion of their peoples.

Source: Fana News