Naked inmates at the Cebu city jail during a joint raid by the PDEA and the Cebu Police provincia

The Philippines on Thursday dismissed as “thoughtless and irresponsible” a report by Human Rights Watch that President Rodrigo Duterte had turned a blind eye to murders by police in what the group called a “campaign of extrajudicial execution”.


 was in the best interests of Filipinos and the New York-based group’s allegations of systematic police abuse were “hearsay” and not supported by evidence, said presidential spokesman Ernesto Abella.

“Our investigations into the Philippine drug war found that police routinely kill drug suspects in cold blood and then cover up their crime by planting drugs and guns at the scene,” said Peter Bouckaert, emergencies director at Human Rights Watch and author of the report.

“President Duterte’s role in these killings makes him ultimately responsible for the deaths of thousands.”

The United Nations should create an independent investigation to determine responsibility and ensure accountability, the report said

“All these accusations of circumventing police procedures should be proven in a competent court and if found meritorious should result in appropriate sanctions against the perpetrators,” Abella said in a statement.

“Failing these, such claims are mere hearsay.”

The report, “License to Kill”, documented 24 cases in which 32 people had been killed, where police accounts were starkly different from those of witnesses, who detailed “cold blooded murders” of unarmed drugs suspects

New report

Official records said the killings were in self-defence.

The UN-linked International Narcotics Control Board on Thursday condemned the use of

In a new annual report, the INCB said that “extrajudicial action, purportedly taken in pursuit of drug control objectives, is fundamentally contrary to the provisions and objectives” of international drug conventions.

In August the INCB, an independent quasi-judicial body monitoring the implementation of UN drugs conventions, had already called on the Philippines government to ensure an “immediate stop” to the killings.

The new annual report condemned the practice “in the strongest possible terms”, calling it a “serious violation of human rights” and an “affront to the most basic standards of human dignity”.

Human Rights Watch found no distinction between killings in police operations and those the authorities attributed to unknown gunmen or vigilantes. In some of those cases, the victims had hours earlier been in police custody, it added.

Duterte’s anti-drugs crackdown has alarmed the international community. About 8,000 people have died since it was launched in June last year, 2,555 in police operations and the circumstances of many of the rest much in dispute.

Abella’s statement addressed only a few of the allegations, such as the planting of evidence and firearms, and did not respond to many of the report’s findings.

Philippine National Police (PNP) spokesman Dionardo Carlos told Human Rights Watch “Do not generalise,” and said the 24 cases it looked into were insufficient to conclude that widespread abuses took place.

Carlos said the PNP’s Internal Affairs Service had handled 2,000 complaints and found violations in only 28 cases.

“If there is evidence that would point to the violations of these police officers, file cases against them,” he told reporters.

“We will not allow these officers to commit wrongdoings.” Human Rights Watch also noted community “watch lists” to warn drug users or identify candidates for rehabilitation involved visits that turned out to be a “method of confirming the identity and whereabouts of a target”.

In one of a series of investigative reports last year Reuters found “watch lists” were effectively hit-lists, with many of the people named on them ending up dead.

Human Rights Watch said though there was no evidence showing Duterte or top officials planned or ordered extrajudicial killings, they could be implicated through incitement to violence, instigate murder, and crimes against humanity, for which they have command responsibility.

The media, rights groups, the United Nations and foreign governments had informed Duterte what was happening, yet nothing had been done to stop the illegal killing, it added.

“His public comments in response to those allegations are evidence he knows about them,” it said

source : gulfnews