migrants illegally

More than 10,900 migrants illegally crossed into the European Union (EU) in February, less than a tenth of the number compared with the same month last year, Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, said on Wednesday.

According to Frontex's press release, Italy continued to face high migratory pressure among the three main migratory routes, the Central Mediterranean, the Eastern Mediterranean, and the Western Balkans.

Nearly 9,000 migrants arrived in Italy last month, more than twice the number of a year ago.

Nationals of Guinea and Bangladesh were the top two nationalities among the migrants arriving in Italy in February.

The number of migrants arriving to the Greek islands fell to slightly more than 1,000 in February.

On the Western Balkans route, fewer than 1,000 detections of illegal border crossings were recorded, less than 3.0 percent of the figure from February 2016.

Source: Xinhua