A committal order was issued on Thursday, against former Justice Minister Bechir Takkeri for incitement to perjury. The Public Persecutor's Department referred to the 12th investigation bureau, a complaint filed by an individual involved with Imed Trabelsi in the case known as "the Yacht case" in 2005-2006. The person in question protested his innocence, asserting that Mr. Bechir Takkeri, then Justice Minister, "forced him to provide false evidence to clear Imed Trabelsi of all suspicion." The 6th investigating judge had issued last July, a committal order against Mr. Takkeri in the case known as "Grand-Bleu" for "the use by a civil servant of his capacity to get for himself or for another person an unjustified advantage." The indictment division in the Court of Appeal had decided to release him.