Quito - Irna
First Vice-President Mohammad Reza Rahimi, in a meeting with Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa on Friday late afternoon, said that Iran is interested to transfer its experiences, including in light industry, to Ecuador. According to the Presidential Office website, Rahimi called negotiations between Iran and Ecuador delegations \'satisfactory\' and said that the Iranian delegation mission was to finalize all agreements and do all necessary coordination for implementation of them. The VP said that there is no obstacle on promotion of relations in all fields between the two countries. Referring to imposed sanctions against Iran, Rahimi said that these sanctions are because of defending our national rights and being freedom seeking, but the bullying powers cannot create obstacle in promotion of ties between Iran and the other countries, including Ecuador. He continued that Iran has achieved many abilities in different sectors, including in petrochemical and oil industry and is interested to transfer its experiences in the light and profitable industries to Ecuador. President Correa expressed pleasure with presence of Iranian senior delegation in Quito and underlined necessity of removing all obstacles in the way of implementation of all signed agreements. He said that his government has always been interested that Iranian companies invest in his country and that is because of Iran\'s scientific and technical progress as well as its ancient civilization and history. Correa also called for increases in cooperation level and economic ties between the two countries.