The German intelligence agency BND was accused of working for the NSA

Germany's secret service, already under fire for having allegedly spied for Washington, had also spied for its own account on allies including France, German media claimed Thursday.

The German intelligence agency BND has already been accused of eavesdropping on officials at the French foreign ministry and presidency, as well as the European Commission, on behalf of its US counterpart, the NSA.

But public radio RBB and Spiegel Online claimed Thursday that the BND had also spied on its own account on several embassies and administrations of "European states and allies".

Spying targets include French and US officials, they reported, without citing their sources.

The tapping had allegedly gone on for several years until the autumn of 2013, claimed the media outlets.

A parliamentary commission charged with investigating claims surrounding the US spying row had been informed Wednesday evening of the latest claims, and is expected to hold a hearing of BND agents next week, according to the report.

Following the latest allegations against the BND, Justice Minister Heiko Maas called for "stricter rules" for the agency.

"And we must ensure that these rules are implemented," he said in an interview with the Rheinischen Post.

"Rule of law and fundamental rights do not stop at the German border," he said.

Germany had reacted with outrage when information leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden showed that US agents were carrying out widespread tapping worldwide.

But the BND soon came under fire itself over claims that it had carried out spying on European allies on behalf of the NSA.

Belgium and the Netherlands in June launched probes into the claims of espionage.

Source: AFP