France welcomes UNHRC resolution on Syrian violence

France on Tuesday welcomed the adoption by the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) of a resolution regarding abuses in Syria, condemning the ongoing repression and calling for an independent enquiry into the actions of the Syrian regime in this context. \"This resolution, which addresses a firm message and condemns without ambiguity the repression in Syria, was adopted by a large majority of member States from the Human Rights Council,\" the French Foreign Ministry said. Only Russia, China, Cuba and Ecuador voted against the resolution which condemned \"continued grave and systematic human rights violations by Syrian authorities such as arbitrary executions, excessive use of force and the killing and persecution of protesters and human rights defenders\". The resolutions \"attests to the growing concern of the international community faced with the crimes committed by the Syrian regime against its own population,\" the French statement pointed out. \"We note in this regard that four Arab countries (Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait and Qatar) joined in the call for convoking this extraordinary session and voted in favour of the resolution,\" the statement added. France indicated that it viewed the resolution as having \"positive elements, \" notably the decision to establish an independent enquiry to investigate crimes committed in Syria and the call on Damascus to \"immediately bring an end to brutal repression being carried out.\" The resolution also calls for free access by press and humanitarian teams to Syria, \"and where possible to identify those responsible (for crimes) with a view of ensuring that perpetrators of violations, including those that may constitute crimes against humanity, are held accountable\".