The exiled Libyan crown prince Mohammad Al-Senussi is reportedly considering a return to his homeland after being in exile for over two decades, the Hamburg-based weekly daily Zeit reported Wednesday. The 48-year-old heir apparent stressed while he was \'ready to serve\' the Libyan people, its was up to them to decide. He urged the creation of a democratic Libya and he dismissed predictions that his country could turn into a second Afghanistan or Iraq. \'No! Libya is not Afghanistan or Iraq or Yemen. The clan system is completely different. The clans are not seeking power, they only want a reasonable life,\'said the crown prince whose main role over the past years had been to organize Libyan opposition meetings and demonstrations in the US, France and England. The crown prince left Libya in 1988 together with his ailing father, then-crown prince Hassan after Libyan dictator Moammar Qadhafi ordered the burning down of the royal residence. Qadhafi who himself is fighting for his political survival as rebels stormed his compound in Tripoli on Tuesday, overthrew the Libyan king in a military coup in 1969.