Bucharest recognizes Libya’s NTC as sole partner

“Romanian president Traian Basesc announced Thursday that his country has decided to recognize the Libyan national transitional council (NTC) as ”a sole partner”. Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the Paris Conference on Libya which is also named as , ”Friends of Libya Conference”, the Romanian president said ,” Romania recognizes the Libyan NTC as a sole partner until a better structure or mechamism comes to light or appear.” He further said in his press remarks , ” at the time being, our sole partner could only be the NTC.” Meanwhile the Romanian Foreign Ministry’s Director General for Public Diplomacy, stated that his country is ready to engage in a closer dialogue with representatives of the National Transition Council and extended an invitation to a NTC delegation. We believe we can participate effectively in Libya’s reconstruction process and lend our support to the country in its transition to a democratic society, relying on Romania’s own experience, earned in its long and trying journey from dictatorship to democracy.” Doris Mircea quoted by Mediafax futher said , “Romania has been and continues to be a participant in NATO-led military operations meant to implement the resolutions of the UN Security Council and voiced, on repeated occasions, its eagerness to assist the Libyan nation in its transition from an authoritarian regime to a democratic society, as well as its openness to a dialogue with the National Transition Council”. “In fact, official representatives of the Romanian state took part in all the meetings of the Contact Group for Libya, most recently in Istanbul, on July 15, at Foreign Ministry state secretary level. Romania recognized, as early as April 2011, NTC as a political interlocutor and voiced its solidarity to all EU official decisions concerning the status of the Council and the constant dialogue with its leaders,” Doris Mircea added.