Beirut - Nna
A group of supporters to the Syrian President Bashar Assad\'s regime gathered on Thursday in front of Beirut municipality building and raised Syrian flags and photographs of Bashar Assad. Crowds chanted slogans in support of President Bashar al-Assad and of the Syrian regime. Simultaneously in Beirut, the Samir Kassir Square hosted a demonstration in support of Syrian protesters organized by the \"Lebanese Committee in Support of the Syrian people\'s freedom and dignity.\" The gathering took place in participation of Deputies Khaled Daher, Marwan Hmadeh, Ahmad Fatfat, Khaled Zahraman, former Minister Hassan Mneimneh, and other former Lebanese officials as well as media and civil bodies\' figures. On behalf of the committee, Ahmad Mashnouk gave a word during the event and said that in its natural position, Lebanon ought to stand beside the Arabic and Lebanese majority and refuse crimes committed against humanity. \"A refugees camp for Syrians in Lebanon ought to be established to make them feel safe,\" he added. Other participants also lectured on the latest Syrian unrest up-to-dates.