Geneva - Emirates Voice
The Permanent Representative of the Kingdom, Ambassador Dr. Yousef Abdul Karim Bucheeri made a public debate under item 2 of the 36th session of the Human Rights Council currently held in Geneva in the context of the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.
It included the repeated negative allegations contained in the High Commissioner’s statement on the Kingdom of Bahrain, in particular that they were followed by a series of allegations that lack credibility and are derived from sources that lack objectivity, which are unfortunately incompatible with the Bahraini reality and which ignores the achievements of the international community and reflect periodically In our national reports, these false accusations contradict the persistent facts that the Kingdom of Bahrain has consistently provided to the Office of the High Commissioner in order to discredit and refute all that hinders the Kingdom’s sincere efforts in the promotion and protection of human rights.
The Kingdom of Bahrain has repeatedly affirmed during the sessions of the Council its position on these empty claims, which are irrelevant. The Constitution and national legislation guarantee the freedom of opinion, expression and political participation, thus giving civil society a wide range of freedoms and active participation in political and civil life. The claim that there is a growing narrowing of civil society organizations and political action is totally untrue in the evidence of the full exercise of civil and political rights, Legislative and media activities have a free climate, law enforcement officials are bound by specific safeguards in cases of arrest and investigation, access to justice for all, and independent national mechanisms for redress and accountability. As for the recent execution of the death penalty in the Kingdom, The Ambassador said that the death penalty had been issued and applied in some of the serious crimes stipulated in the Penal Code and some special criminal laws. The number of death sentences was very limited and had all the judicial guarantees, including the right of defense and the veto.
The Permanent Representative also stressed that none of the legal proceedings against persons or entities had been taken against the background of the exercise of human rights activity, but had been followed by investigations by the Public Prosecution into facts which are punishable in accordance with the law. Dr. Bucheeri concluded that the repetition of such negative allegations in the Council’s basic statement causes shock for the Bahraini society and public opinion. This statement is a blatant provocation to its peaceful feelings, which naturally tend to tolerance and peaceful coexistence among all its components. It is unfair to Bahrain’s right to development and progress in various fields, especially the human rights course, which gets a great deal of care and attention from the state and its active civil society. In that context, he stressed the importance of technical cooperation and capacity-building with the Office of the High Commissioner, as agreed in advance by the two parties through correspondence in this regard.
Following is the text of the speech of the Kingdom of Bahrain in the general debate under item (2) on the report of the High Commissioner for Human Rights:
Source: Fana News