Bahrain-India ties praised

Deputy Premier Shaikh Khalid bin Abdullah Al Khalifa has praised the Indian community’s contributions alongside with the Bahraini citizens in the various aspects of the national development.
The Deputy Premier’s statement came as he received today former Chief Minister of Kerala State, Oomen Chandy, wishing him a nice sojourn. Shaikh Khalid expressed his aspiration for Bahrain-India ties to witness more growth and prosperity thanks to keenness of both leaderships on developing all areas of cooperation. 

This is a good opportunity to reminisce the high-profile officials' visits between the two countries aimed to build on the strong historic bilateral ties which can be termed one of the model relations binding two peoples in the world throughout the ages, both countries as the point of convergence of civilisations, the deputy PM said. 

Chandy expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the Kingdom’s leadership, government and people for Bahrain’s hosting one of the largest NRI communities, mostly Keralite. He commended Bahrain’s openness to other peoples and cultures, its good-natured people and their peaceful co-existence with the followers of various religious. He affirmed the interest of businessmen from Kerala State to bring more investments to the Kingdom, and their keenness to create unique partnerships to boost the role of the private sector which is considered one of the key pillars of development.