The Arab League Council announced Wednesday that the 136th regular meeting for Arab Foreign Ministers would be held on September 13-14, under the chairmanship of Palestine to be preceded by two days\'\' preparatory meetings at the level of the permanent representatives opening on Sept.11. An official diplomatic source said the meeting agenda would consist of 20 items covering joint Arab cooperation in several domains, adding that the recent developments in the Arab world would also be in the schedule of the meeting. The Palestinian-Israeli conflict would also be on the agenda, the source said adding that the meeting would support the Palestinian motion to head for the UN for the establishment of a Palestinian state within the 1967 borders with East Jerusalem as its capital. Developments in the region from Lebanon, Iraq, Somalia, to other Arab regions would also be on the agenda, affirmed the official, source adding that a vital item concerning the refusal of one-sided sanctions from the US against Syria would also be discussed. It further said that the Israeli nuclear arms file would also be on the table of discussions, noting that the meeting would call for a Mideast free of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD). Relations with other regional partners from around the world would also be among the topics to be taken up, the same source concluded.