Dr. Ahmed Al Hamili, Founder and Chairman of the Arab Federation for Human Rights

Dr. Ahmed Al Hamili, Founder and Chairman of the Arab Federation for Human Rights, has met with Frode Mauring, United Nations, UN, Resident Co-ordinator and Resident Representative of the UN Development Programme, UNDP, and Marta Vallejo, Programme Specialist and Justice and Human Rights at UNDP's Regional Hub in Amman, to discuss ways of enhancing co-operation on the preparations for the 3rd Universal Periodic Review, a process involving a review of the human rights records of all UN member states.
The Federation is participating in the 35th session of the Human Rights Council taking place in Geneva, noted Al Hamili.
"This session is being held amid a painful human rights situation in many Arab countries. The situation in Arab countries hit by chaos in the past six years has been exacerbated, creating political, social and instructional confusion and affecting the entire human rights system," he said.
He cited ideological extremism, sectarianism and extremist militias as primary threats to human rights, including the right to live in safety and security.
The Arab Federation for Human Rights is combatting extremism and the takfirist ideology through initiatives and activities based on its belief in tolerance and co-existence, he added.
The Federation, he said, seeks to highlight terrorism and war crimes being committed in the Arab region by the Iranian-allied militias inspired by the regime of Wilayat Al Faqih, al-Qaeda and Daesh in Syria and Iraq, and the Houthis and militias loyal to the now-ousted Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh in Yemen.

Source: WAM