The Fatah Youth Students Movement (The Shabiba) declared a state of alert across the West Bank on Friday, calling for followers to take to the streets and public squares to remove signs calling for a ‘one-state solution’ which includes five  million Arabs and seven million Jews in one joint entity. Most Palestinian cities were cleared of all signs and banners displaying the message. Shabiba activist Saad Joudeh told Arabstoday that parties “outside the national front” are responsible for spreading these messages. Young Shabiba activists have cleared the city of Qalqilya of large banners  including one which was displayed in front of the Israeli DCO barrier.  These were erected by a pro one-state solution group called ‘Takamol’ (Integration) as their solution to end the Palestinian-Israeli crisis. After removing the  over-sized banner, the Shabiba  spread it out on the ground and organised a car rally in the city, directing passing cars to drive over the banner. City residents seemed to welcome the Shabiba’s action against the one-state proposition, which several Palestinians describe as “shameful”. They applauded the efforts of the youth whose movement embodies the rejection of all solutions that are “not national”. Shabiba coordinator in Qalqilya Karim Abu Kharoub, in a statement to Arabstoday, emphasised  his rejection of the “ill-fated campaign”, calling on all Palestinians to unite against it. “Shabiba (Fatah Youth) will remove any banner calling for an end to the Palestinian national front,” he added.