Spanish Prime Minister, Jose Rodriguez Zapatero, and Minister of Defense,  Leon Panetta, announced on Wednesday evening, the establishment of an American naval base on the Mediterranean coast of Spain, which is seen as an increase to the American and European influence in the Mediterranean region. Zapatero’s described the announcement, which came on the sidelines of the defense ministers’ meetings in Brussels, that “it reflects the extent of cooperation between Europe and the United States, and their determination to move forward in adopting the intelligent defending policy." Panetta said that "sending American naval ships to Spain to take it as a base increases the NATO’s capacity in the Mediterranean region and strengthens its alliance with Europe.” Panetta stressed  during  the joint press conference, held with Zapatero and the presence of Secretary General of NATO, Anders Fogh Rasmus, on his country's appreciation for the Spanish position, especially, because Spanish Prime Minister came to Brussels to announce the establishment of the U.S. base on the Spanish coast. Panetta ended his speech by saying that the United States increase to it’s defense cooperation with Europe, in the time that it works on cutting its defense spending, "reflects the seriousness of its cooperation with Europe."