United Nation agencies and NGO partners

United Nation agencies and NGO partners, on Tuesday, released a US$4.4 billion plan designed to support 5.3 million refugees and 3.9 million members of host communities.

The plan is known as the 2018 Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan (3RP), according to a statement issued by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) .

"Most Syrian refugee families - and many in their host communities - fall below the poverty line and struggle to meet basic needs," said the statement.

The plan brings together some 270 humanitarian and development partners, in support of national efforts, to ensure refugees and host communities receive the support they desperately need.

Launching the plan at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, UNHCR Director for the Middle East and North Africa Bureau Amin Awad said it was vital for the international community to continue its support for the world’s largest refugee crisis.

"While we hope that a political solution is soon on the horizon, it is vital that we continue our support to Syrian refugee families whose needs and challenges increase with every passing year in displacement," he added