Beirut - George Shahin
Lebanese newspaper, An-Nahar reported on Wednesday that members of the Abu Jabal family in the Qaa town of Al-Mashari, which straddles the Lebanese-Syrian border kidnapped overnight members of the Syrian Hajjana forces. “[Members of the Abu Jabal family] kidnapped eight members of the Hajjana forces and released six of them hours later,” a security source told the Lebanese daily. However, it was not clear whether the people where abducted from Lebanese or Syrian territory. The report said that the two Hajjana soldiers still missing were Alawites, a Muslim sect to which Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad belongs. “The kidnapping is probably an act of revenge, after Syrian security forces killed in October Ahmad Adel Abu Jabal and detained his brother Ammar in the Qaa’s Al-Mashari,” the source told An-Nahar.