
- The Swedish government Thursday decided to extend identity checks for those crossing the Danish-Swedish border by bus, train or passenger ship.

The new rules will apply from July 4 to Nov. 4. During this period, the state authorities affected by the ID controls are to evaluate the consequences of the measure.

Last year saw a spike in refugees arriving in Sweden, with as many as 10,000 seeking asylum per week during the fall. However, the number has abated since then, for which, according to the government, the decision to introduce temporary border controls is a major reason.

"The ID controls have had a positive impact on the possibility of maintaining order and security," Sweden's infrastructure minister, Anna Johansson, said in a statement.

However, Johansson continued, "we believe Sweden is still in a situation where the controls are necessary."

The government has also asked the authorities affected by the ID controls to evaluate the positive and negative effects of the measure and those evaluations will form the basis of the government's decision about keeping or removing the ID controls after Nov. 4.

State authorities and local regional councils will evaluate how the ID controls affect employment opportunities, trade, tourism and travel times. They will also look into how the controls affect the stream of migrants into Sweden and access to health care and school places for everyone living in the country, said Minister for Home Affairs, Anders Ygeman

source : xinhua