The assistant to the Sudanese president and Leader of the Eastern Front, Musa Mohamed Ahmed pointed to the importance of pursuing the dialogue between all political forces, in order to address all of the nation’s issues. He stressed, in statements broadcast by official radio, on the need to implement a permanent constitution for the country, since most Sudanese issues are constitutional in nature. In addition, he called on political forces to participate in a constitution that meets the aspirations of all Sudanese, demanding these forces to provide the political will to pursue reforms and bring about positive change. Regarding the signed peace treaties, President Bashir’s assistant said that these agreements put an end to bloodshed and placed the primary blocks to build a stable system. He stressed that the dialogue between the political powers and the Sudanese people is the only way to reach a mutual understanding concerning the nation’s future.  Musa pointed out that among the most significant challenges facing the new government are the means to deal with the consequences of the separation of the South, preserving the peace in Darfur, the economic conditions, and political reconciliation. As for the budget proposed to the parliament, he explained that every budget is subject to estimations based on the country’s capabilities and resources, noting that the challenge would be to  provide alternatives for the petroleum coming from the South, and pointing out that the country has mineral and agricultural wealth and livestock which could serve as alternatives, affirming that Sudan is capable of overcoming this stage soon. As for the Eastern peace treaty, he said that security and stability are achieved, and the people of the East are turning to development, expressing his appreciation for the Kuwait conference held lately for the development of the east. Musa said that the outcome of conference reflects positively on the development of the east, as he also stated that the execution of Atbara River and State dams will push forward the development in the East and in Sudan as a whole. Musa Mohamed, who kept his post in the new government, concluded by saying that Sudan will bet on investments in its natural resources.  He promised to launch initiatives to attract investors, including forming a High Investment Council, headed by the President, which will be capable of removing all obstacles to potential investors.