Beirut - George Shahin
Two shrines in the city of Badaro were severely damaged in separate attacks over-nite by an unidentified group. According to sources these are not isolated events. Dr. George AlBorkos president of Badaro’s Trader Association issued a statement harshly criticizing the series of attacks on places of worship, stressing these are attempts at stirring up sectarian strife in the fragile region. He went on to say the thugs must be caught, held accountable and severely punished publicly. After an upswing in attacks last month a memorandum was sent to his Excellency President Michel Suleiman, Beirut's Governor as well as Security Services describing in alarming detail concerns over kidnappings and theft in the hopes of ensuring security in our region by putting and end to the attacks. AlBorkos ended by saying "our patience are wearing thin" suggesting a day will come when necessary to protect themselves with bare-hands.