A prisoner died during in violent riots that took place on Thursday inside Soba prison in South Sudan's capital Khartoum, a prison administration official confirmed. General Abdelatif Sirr el-Khitm, the director of the Social Rehabilitation Section of the Sudanese Prisons' Administration, said the riots took place after "a natural death" of one of the prisoners. "The prisoners crowded around the dead body and prevented investigators from making an examination and carrying out normal legal procedures, so we were forced to bring in special forces to control the situation, and they only resorted to tear gas to drive the prisoners away from the prison's main gate and to stop the riots, which they succeeded in doing so," said General Sirr el-Khitm. "One prisoner died in the fray,  and 10 others were injured and transferred to the police hospital, all in stable condition, while the two dead bodies were sent to the morgue to undergo legal procedures, and a commission of inquiry will hold investigations about the events" he added. The previous day, prison in Port Sudan city witnessed an escape, by some prisoners who have been sentenced to death. The prisoners destroyed one of the gates of the prison and shot one policeman dead. However the escape plan was foiled and the guards succeeded in taking control according to local officials.