The Egyptian Revolution Youth Union filed lawsuits before the administrative court against Mohamed Morsi, the Egyptian president, Hisham Qandil the Prime Minister, and Mohamed Kamel Amr the Foreign Minister, demanding them to start a procedure to amend the Camp David Accords and its security terms especially following the Rafah terrorist act which killed 16 soldiers. The case included claims that \"the Israeli side violated the articles of the agreement, attacking Egyptian soldiers more than once and killing seven Egyptian soldiers on August 18 2011 on the Egyptian border and admitting it, yet nobody questioned the crime. This is in addition to a number of separate incidents like the killing of three Egyptian soldiers in an Israeli raid on the Egyptian borders, not to mention the continuous Israeli raids on the Egyptian borders.\" The case was started by Haytham Al-Khateeb and Amr Hamed who are members of the executive office of the Revolution Youth Union, Badawi Al-Sayed who is a member of the media committee, and Ayman Sultan, a member of the union legislative committee. Haytham said in a press statement that followed the Sinai incident \" due to the large number of martyrs, current political situation and the many violations of the Camp David articles which limit the military presence of the Egyptian army in Sinai, the accords must be modified. Al-Khateeb described the aim of the case as being for \"the president and Egyptian executive authority to start the immediate amendment of the agreement articles which harm Egyptian national security in Sinai and cause the loss of many men. The continuation of the agreement in its current form may lead to worse incidents in the coming period.\" Israel has already allowed Egyptian forces into the Sinai area both to carry out live operations against militants using helicopters and to close the tunnels which allow trade between Egypt and the Gaza strip.