The Moroccan hackers, better known as “Moroccan Deterrence Force”, announced that their Facebook page has been taken down, after the page had been reported by the Qatari state, yesterday. In addition, all email accounts of the members of the Moroccan Deterrence Forces page have been deactivated. This was in response to a fierce web attack on several significant governmental, economic, and media Qatari web pages. The youth group stated, in a communiqué it gave out to Moroccon press, that the Facebook page put up by the Moroccan hackers has been “removed by the Facebook administration,” saying that the page served as the only media façade to the Moroccan Deterrence Force, as it was considered a media source for several journalists and groups of interested Moroccans and foreigners. In the same context, the group started a new Facebook page, saying, in the same statement, that “this cowardly act” will not affect their determination, adding that they will continue to defend their country, and that Qatar’s act only helped in boosting their “honor and their recognition of our ability to break the wing of any offender to the constants of this country and its national issues.” They also stressed the need to move forward and work on correcting the Moroccan diplomatic path, as well as “give a new definition to the national interest of the kingdom’s foreign politics.” Moroccan media unanimously agreed that the Moroccan Deterrence Force “despite its novelty and the young age of its team, was able to do what Moroccan diplomacy failed to do.”