Al-Qaeda’s wing in Yemen selected Qaid Al-Dahab, a brother of the former leader Tareq Al-Dahab, to head the group, according to tribal and security sources. Tareq Al-Dahab, brother-in-law of US-born cleric Anwar Al-Awlaki who died in an American drone attack last year – was killed with five bodyguards by his brother Hizam and fighters from the Dahab tribe while praying in the early hours of Thursday at a mosque in Al-Baydah province. Tareq\'s brother Qaid and followers later avenged the death by blowing up Hizam\'s house, killing him, tribal sources said. Al-Qaida\'s Yemen-based wing emerged as one of its most active and ambitious after setbacks to Al-Qaida groups in Saudi Arabia and Iraq. The organisation has exploited months of anti-Saleh unrest and other simmering conflicts in Yemen to gain swaths of territory, especially in the south.