Hamas’ leader, Salah Al-Bardawil, has said that Fatah will not stage events in the Gaza strip to support the Palestinian Authority’s UN statehood bid. In a statement issued last night, Bardawil said: “the two factions have agreed that activities supporting or rejecting the plan will not take place.” Fatah supports the statehood bid, whereas Hamas has voiced its opposition. Bardawil claimed that Abbas unilaterally decided to approach the UN without consulting Hamas. Last week, Fatah’s leader, Abu Judeh Al-Nahal, said that Fatah would organise events in support to support the bid in the Gaza. He claimed that Hamas would not be able to prevent the events from occurring. However, this may have changed after the reconciliation talks held between the two groups late last week. Al-Nahal also emphasised his support for the statehood bid, claiming that it is a positive step that supports  the establishment of a Palestinian state.