Beirut - George Shahin
A number of demonstrations opposing the Syrian regime were organized in two Lebanese towns, while hundreds of Syrians and Lebanese from different political parties and organizations, supportive of the Assad's regime, gathered at the invitation of the Syrian community in Lebanon in front of the Chinese Embassy in Beirut to voice "their gratitude and appreciation to the Chinese leadership for its honorable and objective stance." Mass demonstrations took place in Saida in southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Taalabaya supporting the Syrian people and condemning the acts of the ongoing massacres in Damascus. The demonstrators raised pictures of children killed in shelling of Homs and Idlib, as well as various Syrian villages and cities. Security sources said pro-regime protesters raised pictures of President Bashar al-Assad and his late father, Hafez Assad, the Syrian and Lebanese flags, Palestinian and Chinese flags in support of President Assad, condemning the bombings in Aleppo. Meanwhile, "Al-Manar" channel affiliated to Hezbollah's revealed that the Intelligence of the Lebanese army seized car loaded with weapons at the Lebanese-Syrian borders. However, the channel did not refer to the border point where the car was seized, no other security source confirmed such story.