Hamas said on Saturday that the coming Palestinian government would have nothing to do with Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) accords and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas's political program. Spokesman for Hamas Sami Abu Zuhri said to reporters: "We affirm that the next government is not linked to Abbas's political plank, which we reject." He added that the Palestinian government planned to be created in line with a reconciliation agreement would be a provisional government with specific tasks, but without political planks. Abbas had said at a meeting with an Italian diplomat in Ramallah that the next government would honor the commitments and deals of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). He expressed belief that the coming government's program would spring from his political plank. It is worth mentioning that Abbas and Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal signed an agreement earlier this month at the Qatari capital, placing Abbas at the head of an interim government charged with organizing elections later this year. The Doha deal has been hailed as a step forward in the stalled implementation of the Palestinian reconciliation agreement signed in Cairo last April.