Former Egyptian Minister of Information, Osama Haikal said that the ruling Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) had not appointed to head the Ministry of Information, confirming that he was chosen by the former Prime Minister Essam Sharaf. “Egyptian state TV\'s coverage of the Maspero clashes constituted professional mistakes by the on-air workers, without any senior orders,” Haikal added in an interview with \"Al-Haya\" channel. Haikal also denied that Egyptian state TV had been accused for inciting violence against Coptic demonstrators and calling Egyptians to support the SCAF in the Maspero clashes, saying: “The Media Committee cleared the Egyptian state TV of charges of inciting violence against Coptic demonstrators.” Haikal also dismissed reports that his wife was appointed as editor-in-chief in Nos El-Donia Magazine to compensate him after being discharged from his post as \"nonsense” Haikal added: \"I was appointed in this position as Egyptian state TV was completely not trusted, and I had a plan to restructure it.\" He asserted that he didn’t receive any recommendations from any SCAF-related person.