Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood leader Zein Abul-Soud announced Saturday he has submitted an official presidency recommendation for ex-Brotherhood member Abdel-Monein Abul-Fotouh, and asks the Brotherhood's Supreme Guide to reconsider the decision not to back Abul-Fotouh in the upcoming presidential elections. Abul-Soud and nine other Brotherhood members in Beni Suef Governorate submitted official recommendations for Abul-Fotouh Saturday. Each presidential candidate should receive at least 30.000 recommendations from 15 governorates in order for their candidacy application to be accepted. "I say to the Supreme Guide, fear God and come back to your senses. We are more deserving of Abul-Fotouh's support than any other," said Abul-Soud, as reported by Egypt’s state owned newspaper Al-Ahram on Saturday. Abdel-Moneim Abul-Fotouh, a longtime Brotherhood figure, was discharged from the Brotherhood in June 2011 after he announced his intention to run for the presidency, which contradicted the Brotherhood's decision not to nominate one of its members for the top post. With presidential elections approaching, several statements attributed to the Brotherhood have denied any intention to support Abul-Fotouh in the elections. However, circulated reports tell of disagreements within the Brotherhood's hierarchy. The Muslim Brotherhood is yet to announce the candidate it will officially support in the elections.