Dr. Gamal Heshmat, member of the  EgyptianShura Council of the Muslim Brotherhood, denied that there were talks between the Brotherhood the ruling military council on Arab League chief Nabil Al-Arabi\'s rumoured presidential candidacy. Salafist Al-Nour Party spokesman Nader Bakar said: \"There are no negotiations taking place regarding Al-Arabi to be a consensus candidate for the presidency,\" stating that the party constituted a committee to discuss its support for prospective presidential candidates April 6 Youth Movement spokesperson Mahmoud Afifi said: \"Talking about a consensus president is futile, as Egypt\'s next president is supposed to be elected in a democratic way through free and fair elections.\" \"Presidential candidates have to be nominated by the people and not a specific group. Candidates will present their programmes, and finally the people will choose who is going to be their president,\" added Afifi.