In a first precedent for the new Moroccan government, the judiciary police squad arrested dismantled a cell linked to the "Islamic Liberation Party” organization. The organization is categorized as an international terrorist organization. The Interior Minister released a statement, Saturday, saying that the police squad arrested three members of the cell, including a Moroccan who have the Danish nationality and who was sent by the said organization to supervise the execution of a plan aimed at undermining the country’s security and stability through recruiting people indoctrinated for this end. The statement concluded by declaring that the extremist members are facing charges under the supervision of the competent public prosecutor. It is noteworthy that the last terrorist group to be arrested in Morocco, last October, was a group linked to al Qaeda leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, whose members are related the former "Prince” of al-Qaeda in Iraq. The group reportedly had relations with many Moroccan politicians.   According to the Moroccan security forces, members of the terrorist group were able to communicate over the Internet with key figures in the "Al Qaeda" in Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Yemen and Somalia.