The funeral of a Hamas military commander, took place in the Jordanian capital Amman Friday after his body arrived in the country one day before. Kamal Gnajh’s funeral was attended by Hamas’s political chief Khalid Meshaal and various other leaders of Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan. Gnajh was assassinated on Wednesday in Qudsaya, a suburb of Damascus.  Hamas has said it will not make a statement until a forensic report on thwe incident is released, but it hasn’t ruled out that Mossad may be responsible for his assassination. Syrian authorities have confirmed that anonymous gunman fired on the Hamas leader, causing his death. International relations official of the movement Osama Hamdan said in a media statement that the investigation is still ongoing and may conclude that his death was an assassination. He added that the first beneficiary of this assassination is the Israeli occupation. Hamas leader Ezzat Rishq revealed on his Facebook page that the investigation continues to determine the circumstances of Gnajh’s death. Syrian authorities are now checking all the possibilities and circumstances surrounding the death, stressing that it is too early to pass sentences and to charge any party. Defense Minister Ehud Barak recently said that Gnajh was not innocent, but “that does not necessarily mean that Israel was behind the assassination.” He worked as assistant to the Islamist organisation’s leader Mahmoud al-Mabhoh, former head of purchasing and supplying weapons to Gaza Strip, whom Israel had assassinated in Dubai in January 2010.