President of Algerian Societ Abdul Razzaq Maqri

Former President of Algerian Society for Peace movement, the largest brotherhood party in Algeria, Abdul Razzaq Maqri, revealed that France has been planning for some time to penetrate the Algerian army, but all attempts failed so far. He said that France is working to solve its economic problems at the expense of Algeria and its old colonies, relying on minorities that have no national affiliation and have no purpose but to serve their interests.
He pointed out that France succeeded in penetrating the ruling party "National Liberation Front" in Algeria, the party of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, and was able to destabilize, penetrate and control it, despite the resistance, which is still issued by the honest figures.
Maqri summarized the enemies of France in Algeria on three sides, namely the army, nationalists in "National Liberation Front" and the Islamists, saying: "French colonialism in Algeria has made great cultural gains, adding that relationship with France should serve the national interest, not direct and indirect loyalty to colonialism.
He acknowledged the success of France in mobilizing its cultural and administrative groups operating in Algeria, including the reform of the educational system and the maintenance of French as a major language in the educational system in Algeria.
During the period of independence, Algeria's military establishment witnessed a sharp dispute between national officers and graduates of Arab military schools, and Algerian officers serving in the French army.