Tripoli - Emad Agag
A source from the Libyan Foreign Ministry reported that the government will reassess its ambassadors all over the world and will "fire those who were involved in the regime of late Muammar Gaddafi". The source pointed out that Libya is going through a process of reconstruction and reconciliation after the conflict that took place in the country, which ended with the death of Gaddafi. "Several Libyan ambassadors distanced themselves from Gaddafi's regime, during the revolution as well. They still hold their posts under the new leadership, these are the ones whose posts will be reassessed”, the source added. This step is an attempt by the Transitional National Assembly in order to quell Libyans' fears about the cronies of Gaddafi remaining in power. In the meantime, the Libyan ambassador in Rome Hafeez Kaddour resigned for personal reasons which he did not make publish. Ali Suleiman Aujali, the Libyan ambassador in Washington resigned as well. However, both the Libyan diplomatic corps in the United States and the United Nations were the first to split off from Gaddafi regime.