Libya\'s interim government is heading towards a no-confidence vote due to its failure to organise the army and establish security, an official of the ruling National Transitional Council (NTC) said Monday. Fathi Baja, who heads the political affairs committee, said 54 out of 73 active NTC members were ready to cast a no-confidence vote against interim Prime Minister Abdel Rahim El-Keeb and his cabinet. \"They represent the majority and therefore the government could fall due to its failure to resolve important and outstanding issues,\" Baja told AFP. A majority of two-thirds plus one is required for the cabinet to be dissolved. NTC spokesman Mohammed al-Harizi acknowledged that signatures were collected on the issue but stressed that no formal vote has been held. \"The issue still hasn\'t come to a vote and no decision has been taken on the sacking of the government,\" he said. The main criticisms lobbied against the interim government, said Baja, were its \"failure to address security issues, to reactivate the army, to integrate militias under a legitimate framework, and the wasting of public money.\"