The Libyan martyrs’ families have gathered in ‘Bina’ airport in Benghazi  to protest against what they call “ awful treatment and insulting’ in the airport’s runway , in front of a plane belongs to the African Airlines . One of the pilgrims said that: “the pilgrims have been protesting now in the runway of the International airport in Benghazi for two hours, after  all the suffering and the unfulfilled they’re received promises since Tuesday.” He added in a phone call with Querna newspaper: “the pilgrims have stayed in tents since Tuesday, waiting for their trip to Saudi Arabia, pilgrims have been waiting since the morning, and officials in the airport promised them that the plane will take off soon.” He added that “all the pilgrims have obtained visa to enter Saudi Arabia, in addition they have an approve of their accommodation during their staying; but still haven’t been able to leave.” Pilgrim, Mohammed Ali, expressed his sorrow because “martyrs parents were insulted and disrespected.” They said: “the pilgrimage’s coordinator in the East, Sheik Hafez Al-Jalalli, has contacted the social-concerns minister, Haneya AlQamati, who hung up the phone on him, which has increased his anger and frustration.” The pilgrim added that he has also called the secretary of the NTC leader, Mostafa Manaa,who hung up the phone on him as well.” Thus all the pilgrims had to protest in the airport as a result of all the insults and disrespect they have witnessed.