Wife of Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal’s wife, Princess Amira has said that King Abdullah has overturned a court verdict that sentenced a Saudi woman to be lashed 10 times for defying the kingdom's ban on women driving. Princess Amira, confirmed on her Twiitter page that King Abdullah has overturned the court verdict that sentesed to a Saudi woman, and dedicated many thanks to him, where another anonymous official confirmed the same news on Wednesday. A day earlier, a Saudi court found Shaima Jastaina guilty of violating the driving ban, and sentenced her to 10 lashes. The verdict took Saudi women by surprise, coming just a day after Abdullah announced that women would have the right to vote and run in the country's 2015 local elections. Abdullah also promised to appoint women to a currently all-male advisory body known as the Shura Council. It was the first time a legal punishment had been handed down for breaking the longtime ban in the conservative Muslim kingdom.