
The anti-terror squad of the Indonesian national police has captured another terrorist suspect, who has links with IS group in Syria, police said here Friday.

The suspect, along with his three militant fellows who had been captured earlier, planned to launch a strike against police during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, National Police Spokesman Brig. General Agus Rianto said.

The militant was arrested Thursday in Kenjaren of East Java province, said the spokesman at the police headquarters.

The spokesman revealed that all the four terrorist suspects have links with the IS in Syria.

"They are part of the IS group in Syria, because they always communicate with an Indonesian national who has joined the IS and is staying in Syria," Rianto added.

During the raid on their hideouts, the police seized materials for high explosive bombs, assembled guns and ammunitions, he said.

On January 24, terrorists, coordinated by the IS group, launched suicide attacks against a police station and a coffee shop in the capital of Jakarta, killing eight people and injuring 26 others.

source : xinhua