Rabat – Rachid Bougha
Moroccan General Workers\' Union (UGTM) chief Hamid Chabat announced on Wednesday an end to its negotiations with the government, by withdrawing from the social dialogue between the government, and workers and wage earners trade unions\' representations. Chabat, in a statement following the opening session of a preparatory meeting of the social dialogue chaired by Benkirane, said \"these dialogue sessions should have been launched before presenting the draft finance bill to the Parliament. The Union should have received the agenda of the social dialogue at least a week before the meeting of Wednesday and that\'s in order to study the issues\". Chabat confirmed that UGTM\'s participation in the social dialogue sessions is in accordance with the government\'s will. Abdelilah Benkirane, in his opening speech at the meeting which was not attended by the government\'s political ally, the Independence Party, emphasised the importance of cooperation and understanding between the government and trade unions and that conflict was no longer a strategy. He added that \"all must work together in order to serve the country.\" Benkirane said the sessions are to be held next April. He also pointed out the importance of working together with disadvantaged groups within Moroccan society which are in need of support. Benkirane\'s statement came in response to the UGTM\'s withdrawal from the social dialogue as a mechanism to negotiate over the difficult and pending social problems to ensure social harmony in Morocco. The trade union representations in the country who participated in the meeting are: the Moroccan Labour Union (UMT), the Democratic Confederation of Labour (CDT) and the Democratic Federation of Labour (FDT). The meeting was also attended by several members of the government.