Martuba Martyrs Brigades in Derna (350 km east Benghazi) arrested, in the past few days, 230 persons holding Egyptian and Sudanese nationalities, on charges of illegal immigration. Media sources reported that the city’s Preventive Security was contacted and the detainees were handed over and transferred to a safe spot, where they were provided with rations and blankets despite the lack of resources. It was revealed that most of them do not hold any legal documentation and have entered the Libyan territory illegally. A security source stated that after interrogating some of the detainees, it turns out that many of them are criminal fugitives. In addition, some of them carry infectious diseases like AIDS and hepatitis. The source indicated that he coordinated with the local council in Derna to provide a number of busses to transfer the illegal immigrants to Omsaad border post, in order to be handed over to the Egyptian authorities. Head of the Investigation office of the Preventive Security in Derna stated that the illegal immigration is backed by Libyan and Egyptian criminal networks which secure the influx of immigrants to Libya in return of sums of money.