The British foreign secretary, William Hague, welcomed the Israeli foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman at the start of his two-day visit to the UK on Tuesday. The ministers welcomed the growing strength of the bilateral relationship and efforts to deepen economic and hi-tech co-operation. They also discussed regional issues, including Iran and the Middle East Peace Process (MEPP) including the importance of strengthening the Palestinian Authority. Speaking after the meeting, Hague said: “I was pleased to welcome foreign minister Lieberman to the UK. We had a positive, wide-ranging meeting. In particular we discussed Iran and our shared determination to prevent Iran developing a nuclear weapon and the importance of Iran engaging meaningfully with the E3+3 in Baghdad to build confidence and help enable a peaceful resolution to the nuclear issue. Hague added: “I made clear the UK’s concern about the current stalemate in the Middle East Peace Process, and our view that there is an urgent need for progress. I expressed the UK’s firm view that continued illegal Israeli settlement expansion in East Jerusalem and the West Bank is harming Israel\'s international standing and endangering the two state solution. I reiterated our unswerving support for a lasting two state solution to the conflict that achieves a secure Israel alongside a sovereign and viable Palestinian State, based on the borders of 1967, with Jerusalem the future capital of both states, and a fair settlement for refugees, and our readiness to work with Israeli and Palestinian leaders to bring that about”.