‘Gaza Hacker Team’ destroys Knesset’s website

The Israeli website \"Zone-H”, which is investigating hacking attacks, revealed that a group of hackers broke into the website of the Knesset on Tuesday and destroyed at least one page. The group, which calls itself  \" The Gaza Hacker Team\", published a statement on the site saying that they were in possession of \" many secrets\" about Israeli leaders. The group also requested several demands including the cessation of the excavation work under  Jerusalem\'s Al Aqsa Mosque, suspending  settlement construction in the West Bank , halting attacks on the Gaza Strip, and the release of all Palestinian prisoners. It should be noted that a group of hackers who claimed to be members of the same group, hacked into the website of Israel’s deputy foreign minister Danny Ayalon last January, in the wake of his remarks about the case known as the \"Saudi hacker.\" At the time, Ayalon  called for action to be taken against these electronic attacks in the same way as terrorist attacks are dealt with. At that time, personal details of Israelis were published, including credit card numbers and personal identity numbers. According to the site, the group has hacked and destroyed hundreds of sites in the past, most of them Israeli websites. Moreover, a group of hackers broke into the e-mail of Israeli newspaper \"Maariv\". The hackers succeeded  in turning the horoscope page on the Israeli website “NRG” into a commemoration page for Hezbollah leader, Martyr Imad Mughniyeh. At the beginning of the page, “Remember Imad” was  accompanied by a picture of Imad Mughniyeh. The website later closed the page. Mughniyeh was killed in an explosion in the Syrian capital Damascus in February of 2008. Israel was accused at that time of his death.